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发布日期:2016-05-11访问次数:字号:[ ]

 姓名:田      单位:水利工程系   职称:副教授


 ◆  研究领域

1. 遥感在农业水文水资源中的应用

2. 区域农业耗水对变化环境的响应

3. 气候变化及人类活动对水循环的影响

◆ 学习经历

1. 2009.09—2012.06,北京师范大学,获理学博士学位

2. 2006.09—2009.06,中国科学院,获理学硕士学位

3. 2002.09—2006.06, 鲁东大学,获理学学士学位

◆  工作经历

1. 2016.04—今,中国农业大学,副教授

2. 2012.07—2016.03, 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,博士后

3. 2014.01--2015.12,澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO),博士后

◆  学术兼职

    美国地球物理联合会American Geophysical Union(AGU)会员,中国地理学会(GSC)会员,担任国际SCI期刊Journal of Hydrology, Water Resources Management, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences等刊物的审稿人。

◆ 科研项目

1. 融合热成像-遥感的黑河中游绿洲耗水特征研究(国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目41601015;2017-2019;20万),主持

2. 规模化节水灌溉条件下生态环境演变评估(十三五国家重点研发计划2016YFC0400107,2016-2020; 311万),参加

3. 中澳半干旱区生态系统碳水耦合与权衡及其对气候变化的响应(中澳合作项目GJHZ1502;2015-2017;200万),参加

4. 黄土高原生态系统承载力的空间格局及调控途径(国家自然科学基金-重大基金,41390464,2014-2018; 500万),参加

5. 植被格局与水文效应的耦合(博士后国际交流计划排出项目20130051; 2014-2016;30万),主持

6. 基于热成像-遥感技术的蒸散发及生态水文效应评价(中国博士后基金面上资助2012M520403,2012-2014,5万),主持

7. 祁连山区水源涵养功能监测与增贮潜力评估(国家科技支撑计划,2012BAC08B00;2012-2014;356万),参加

8. 黑河流域多尺度蒸散发模型的开发及其与生态水文模型的耦合研究(国家自然科学基金-面上基金,91025008; 2011-2013),主要完成人

9. 北方干旱化与人类适应-干旱化及阶段性转折对我国北方粮食、水和土地资源安全的影响及适应对策(973课题,2006CB400505,2006-2010,360万),参加

10. 海河流域农业水资源供需研究(中国科学院“百人计划”项目,KZCX3-SW-446;2005-2008,173万),参加


12. 半干旱区退耕草地的水分收支研究(国家自然科学基金-面上,2008-2010,38万),参加

◆  期刊论文

1. Fei Tian, Guoyu Qiu, Yihe Lv, Yonghui Yang, Yujiu Xiong. 2014. Use of high-resolution thermal infrared remote sensing and "three-temperature model" for transpiration monitoring in arid inland river basin. Journal of Hydrology, 515:307-315. (IF: 3.05) (代表作1)

2. Fei Tian, Guoyu Qiu*, Yonghui Yang, Yihe Lv, Yujiu Xiong. 2013. Estimation of evapotranspiration and its partition based on an extended three-temperature model and MODIS products. Journal of Hydrology, 498: 210-220.  (IF: 3.05) (代表作2)

3. Fei Tian, Guoyu Qiu*, Yonghui Yang, Yujiu Xiong, Pei Wang. 2012. Studies on the relationships between land surface temperature and environmental factors in an inland river catchment based on geographically weighted regression and MODIS data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 99:1-12.  (IF: 3.03)

4. Fei Tian, Yonghui Yang*, and Shumin Han. 2010. Using runoff slope-break to determine dominate factors of runoff decline in Hutuo River Basin, North China. Water Science and Technology, 60 (8): 2135-2144. (IF: 1.11)

5. Fei Tian, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, Juana P. Moiwo, and Guoyu Qiu. 2010. Determination of the period of major runoff decline and related driving factors in Ye River Basin, North China. Journal of Water and Climate change, 1(2):154-163.  (IF: 0.79)

6. Yonghui Yang*, Fei Tian*. 2009. Abrupt change of runoff and its major driving factors in Haihe River Catchment, China. Journal of Hydrology, 374: 373-383.  (IF: 3.05) (Corresponding Author) (代表作3)

7. Fei Tian, YiHe Lv, BoJie Fu, Yonghui Yang, GuoYu Qiu, Chuanfu Zang, Lu Zhang. 2015. Effects of ecological engineering on water balance under two different vegetation scenarios in the Qilian Mountain, northwestern China. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2015.11.015.

8. Fei Tian, Xiaoming Feng, Lu Zhang, Bojie Fu, Shuai Wang, Yihe Lv, Pei Wang. 2016. Effects of revegetation on soil moisture under different precipitation gradients in the Loess Plateau, China. Hydrology Research. (Accepted)

9. Fei Tian, Yihe Lv, Bojie Fu, Chuanfu Zang, Lu Zhang. 2015. Challenge of vegetation greening on water resources sustainability: insights from a modeling based analysis in northwest China. Hydrological Processes. (Minor Revision)

10.Fei Tian, Guoyu Qiu, Yonghui Yang. Estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) and its partition into evaporation (Es) and transpiration (Ec) based on three-temperature model and MODIS products. AGU Chapman Conference on Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle, Kona, Hawai’i, 19-22, February 2012, 119-120.

11.Fei Tian, Guoyu Qiu, Yonghui Yang. 2011. NDVI changes in Heihe River Basin based on MODIS data, 美国科研出版社(SPR)出版。


1. Yujiu Xiong, Shaohua Zhao, Fei Tian, Guoyu Qiu. An evapotranspiration product for arid regions based on the three-temperature model and thermal remote sensing. Journal of Hydrology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.09.050. (IF:3.05)

2. Jing Fan, Fei Tian, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, and Guoyu Qiu. 2010. Quantifying the magnitude of the impact of climate change and human activity on runoff decline in Mian River Basin, China. Water Science and Technology, 62(4): 783-791.  (IF: 1.11)

3. Guoyu Qiu*, Jing Yin, Fei Tian, Shu Geng. 2011. Effects of the “Conversion of cropland to forest and grassland program” on the water budget of the Jinghe River Catchment in China. Journal of Environmental Quality, 40: 1-11. (IF: 2.65)

4. Guoyu Qiu*, Fang Xie, Youcan Feng, Fei Tian. 2011. Experimental studies on the effects of the "Conversion of Cropland to Grassland Program" on the water budget and evapotranspiration in a semi-arid steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Hydrology, 411(1-2): 120-129. (IF:3.05)

5. Xinyao Zhou, Shaojie Bi, Yonghui Yang, Fei Tian, Dandan Ren. Comparison of ET estimations by the three-temperature model, SEBAL model and eddy covariance observations. Journal of Hydrology, 519: 769-776. (IF:3.05)

6. Yujiu Xiong, Guoyu Qiu, Xiaohong Chen, Shaohua Zhao, Fei Tian. 2012. Estimation of evapotranspiration using three-temperature model based on MODIS data. Journal of Remote Sensing, 16(5): 965-985. (IF:1.18)

7. Guoyu Qiu, Fei Tian. Evapotranspiration in an arid river catchment and its response to climate change. 2012 AGU Fall meeting, Dec. 3-7, 2012, San Francisco, California, USA.

◆ 联系方式



Email: feitian@cau.edu.cn; tfxuan@126.com

◆  备注






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