姓名:郭萍;单位:水利工程系;职称:教授 简介:郭萍,女,1963年10月生,黑龙江庆安人,1982年7月参加工作,加拿大里贾纳大学环境工程专业博士研究生毕业。1982、1988和2009年分别在哈尔滨工业大学、东北大学和加拿大里贾纳大学获得学士、硕士和博士学位;2009年12月起任中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院教授、博士生导师。 ◆研究领域 不确定性条件下水资源及环境管理研究 不确定性条件下水资源承载力研究 风险分析模型 流域综合决策支持系统 ◆科研项目 先后主持和参加国家自然科学基金项目、国家“863”计划课题、省部级公益项目等20多项。近年主持/参加的主要科研项目: 1)十三五国家重点研发计划课题:甘肃内陆河区高效节水灌溉技术研究与集成应用,所属项目西北典型农区高效节水灌溉技术与集成应用(2016YFC0400207)2016.7-2020.12. 参加 2)十三五国家重点研发计划课题:节水灌溉效率与生境效应评价技术与方法,所属项目东北粮食主产区高效节水灌溉技术与集成应用(2016YFC0400107)2016.7-2020.12. 参加 3)国家自然基金创新研究群体科学基金:农业水转化多过程驱动机制与效率提升(51621061) 2017.1-2019.12. 参加 4)国家自然基金重大研究计划集成项目:黑河流域绿洲农业水转化多过程耦合与高效用水调控 (91425302) 2015.1-2018.12. 参加 5)水利部公益项目:灌区农业水生产力多要素协同提升关键技术(201501017)2015.1-2018.12. 参加 6)国家高技术研究发展计划(863):作物生长发育主要过程机理与模拟研究(2013AA102904-1)2013.1-2017.12. 参加. 7)国 家 国 际 科 技 合 作 专 项 项 目——基于水权的智能精细化灌溉技术及水安全保障研究(2013DFG70990) 2013.4-2016.3 参加 8)国家自然基金面上项目:基于不确定条件下水资源承载力的经济发展规划风险分析(41271536)2013.1-2016.12. 主持 9)教育部博士点基金:基于不确定条件下的水资源脆弱性分析及水管理模型研究(20130008110021) 2014.1-2016.12. 主持 10)农业部公益项目:田间水分转化与高效调控技术研究(201203077-04)中的一个子课题2012.1-2016.12. 参加 ◆论著及成果 获得计算机软件著作权3项,在申请2项。分别为《Journal of Environmental Informatics》, 《Journal of Cleaner Production》, 《Journal of Hydrology》, 《Agricultural Water Management》, 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment》等国际顶级学术杂志审稿。评审博士生和硕士生毕业论文和国家自然科学基金等。 创新成果包括:针对复杂不确定条件下的区域水资源管理,提出水资源系统多重不确定性分析方法;对于不确定性环境下不同尺度灌溉水土资源配置,提出反映不确定性的水土资源系统高效配置模型与方法以及不确定性条件下水资源与环境风险度量和评价。 先后以第一作者/通讯作者在《Advances in Water Resources》、《Environmental Modeling and Software》、《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《Agricultural Systems》、《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment》、《Journal of Environmental Management》、《Agricultural Water Management》、《Waste Management》、《Water Resources Management》、《Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management》及《农业工程学报》、《农业机械学报》等国内外期刊上公开发表学术论文80余篇,其中SCI/EI收录论文共50余篇。 发表的相关论文有: [1].Guo, P., Huang, G.H. and Li, Y.P., (2010). An inexact fuzzy-chance-constrained two-stage mixed-integer linear programming approach for flood diversion planning under multiple uncertainties. Advances in Water Resources, 33:81-91. [2].Guo, P. and Huang, G.H., (2010). Interval-parameter semi-infinite fuzzy-stochastic mixed-integer programming approach for environmental management under multiple uncertainties. Waste Management, 30(3):521-531. [3].Guo, P., Huang, G.H., He, L. and Sun, B.W., (2008). ITSSIP: Interval-parameter two-stage stochastic semi-infinite programming for environmental management under uncertainty. Environmental Modeling & Software, 23: 1422-1437. [4].Guo, P., Huang, G.H., Zhu, H. and Wang, X.L, (2010).A two-stage programming approach for water resources management under randomness and fuzziness. Environmental Modeling & Software,25(12):1573-1581 [5].Guo, P. and Huang, G.H., (2009). Inexact fuzzy-stochastic mixed-integer programming approach for long-term planning of waste management – Part A: Methodology. Journal of Environmental Management 91: 461–470. [6].Guo, P. and Huang, G.H., (2009). Inexact fuzzy-stochastic mixed-integer programming approach for long-term planning of waste management–Part B: Case Study. Journal of Environmental Management 91: 441–460. [7].Guo, P., Huang, G.H., He, L. and Cai, Y.P., (2008). ICCSIP: An inexact chance-constrained semi-infinite programming approach for energy systems planning under uncertainty. Energy Sources Part A, 30 (14), 1345 – 1366. [8].Guo, P., Huang, G.H. and He, L., (2008). ISMISIP: An inexact stochastic mixed integer linear semi-infinite programming approach for solid waste management and planning under uncertainty. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 22:759-775. [9].Guo, P., Huang, G.H. and Li, Y.P., (2008). Inexact stochastic quadratic programming approach for municipal solid waste management. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 7(6): 569-579. [10].Guo, P., Huang, G.H., He, L. and Li, H.L., (2009). Interval-parameter fuzzy-stochastic semi-infinite mixed-integer linear programming for waste management under uncertainty. Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 14(4):521-537. [11].Guo, P., Huang, G.H., He, L. and Zhu, H, (2009). Interval-parameter two-stage stochastic semi-infinite programming: application to water resources management under uncertainty. Water Resources Management, 23:1001–1023. [12].Guo, P. and Huang, G.H., (2009). Two-stage fuzzy chance-constrained programming: application to water resources management under dual uncertainties. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 23:349-359. [13].Guo, P., Huang, G.H. and Li, Y.P., (2010). Inexact fuzzy-stochastic programming for water resources management under multiple uncertainties. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 15(2):111-124. [14].Guo, P. and Huang, G.H., (2011). Inexact fuzzy-stochastic quadratic programming approach for waste management under multiple uncertainties. Engineering Optimization, 43(5):525-539 [15].Guo P, Chen X, Tong L, Li J, et al., (2014). An optimization model for crop deficit irrigation system under uncertainty. Engineering Optimization, 2014, 46 (1): 1~14. [16].Guo P, Wang X, Zhu H, et al., (2014). Inexact fuzzy chance-constrained nonlinear programming approach for crop water allocation under precipitation variation and sustainable development. Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management, 140 (9): 05014003. [17].Guo P, Chen X, Li M, et al., (2014). Fuzzy chance-constrained linear fractional programming approach for optimal water allocation. Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment, 28 (6): 1601-1612. [18].Gu J., Guo P., Huang G. H., Shen, N, (2012). Optimization of the industrial structure facing sustainable development in resource-based city subjected to water resources under uncertainty. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27(3): 659-673. [19].Gu J., Guo P., Huang G. H, (2013). Inexact stochastic dynamic programming method and application to water resources management in Shandong China under uncertainty. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27 (5): 1-13. [20].Gu J., Huang G.H., Guo P. et al., (2013). Interval multistage joint-probabilistic integer programming approach for water resources allocation and management. Journal of Environmental Management, 2013, 128: 615-624. [21].Li M., Guo P., Fang S., et al., (2013). An inexact fuzzy-parameter two-stage stochastic programming model for irrigation water allocation under uncertainty. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27 (6): 1441-1452. [22].Ren C., Guo P., Li M., et al., (2013). Optimization of industrial structure considering the uncertainty of water resources. Water Resources Management, 27 (11): 3885-3898. [23].Tong F, Guo P, (2013). Simulation and optimization for crop water allocation based on crop water production functions and climate factor under uncertainty [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37 (14-15): 7708–7716. [24].Fang S, Guo P, Li M, et al., (2013). Bilevel multiobjective programming applied to water resources allocation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 23 (1): 1-11. [25].Li M, Guo P, Liu X, et al., (2014). A decision-support system for cropland irrigation water management and agricultural non-point sources pollution control. Desalination & Water Treatment, 52 (25): 5106-5117. [26].Li M, Guo P, Yang G, et al., (2014). IB-ICCMSP: An integrated irrigation water optimal allocation and planning model based on inventory theory under uncertainty. Water Resources Management, 28 (1): 241-260. [27].Li M, Guo P, (2014). A multi-objective optimal allocation model for irrigation water resources under multiple uncertainties. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38 (19-20): 4897–4911. [28].Zhang L, Guo P, Fang S, et al., (2014). Monthly optimal reservoirs operation for multicrop deficit irrigation under fuzzy stochastic uncertainties. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 25 (1): 155-184. [29].Fu, Y., Li, M., Guo, P, (2014). Optimal allocation of water resources model for different growth stages of crops under uncertainty. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 140 (6), 05014003. [30].Li M, Guo P, Zhang L, et al., (2015). Multi-dimensional critical regulation control modes and water optimal allocation for irrigation system in the middle reaches of Heihe River basin, China. Ecological Engineering, 76: 166–177. [31].Yang G, Guo P, Huo L, et al., (2015). Optimization of the irrigation water resources for Shijin irrigation district in north China. Agricultural Water Management, 158:82–98. [32].Li M, Guo P, (2015). A coupled random fuzzy two-stage programming model for crop area optimization—A case study of the middle Heihe River basin, China. Agricultural Water Management, 155: 53–66. [33].Li M, Guo P, Ren C, (2015). Water Resources Management Models Based on Two-Level Linear Fractional Programming Method under Uncertainty. Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management. 141 (9): 05015001. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000518 [34].Yang G, Guo P, Li M, et al., (2015). An Improved Solving Approach for Interval-Parameter Programming and Application to an Optimal Allocation of Irrigation Water Problem [J]. Water Resources Management, 30 (2): 701-729. [35].Ren C, Guo P, Li M, et al., (2016). An innovative method for water resources carrying capacity research - Metabolic theory of regional water resources. Journal of Environmental Management, 167: 139-146. [36].Zhang D, Guo P, (2016). Integrated agriculture water management optimization model for water saving potential analysis. Agricultural Water Management, 170: 5-19. [37].Li M, Guo P, Singh V P, (2016). An efficient irrigation water allocation model under uncertainty. Agricultural Systems, 144: 46-57. [38].Gu J, Li M, Guo P, et al., (2016). Risk assessment for ecological planning of arid inland river basins under hydrological and management uncertainties. Water Resources Management, 30 (4): 1415-1431. [39].Li M, Guo P, Singh V P, (2016). Biobjective optimization for efficient irrigation under fuzzy uncertainty. Journal of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, 142 (8): 05016003. DOI: 10.1061/ (ASCE) IR. 1943-4774.0001035. [40].Li M, Guo P, Singh VP, (2016). Irrigation water allocation using an inexact two-stage quadratic programming with fuzzy input under climate change. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 52 (3):667–684. [41].Ren C, Li M, Guo P, (2016). A Multi-objective stochastic fractional goal programming model for water resources optimal allocation among industries. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 142(10): 04016036.DOI:10.1061/ (ASCE) WR.1943-5452.0000681. [42].Li M, Guo P, Singh V P, et al., (2016). An uncertainty-based framework for agricultural water-land resources allocation and risk evaluation. Agricultural Water Management, 177: 10-23. [43].Yang G, Liu L, Guo P, et al., (2016). A flexible decision support system for irrigation scheduling in an irrigation district in China. Agricultural Water Management. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2016.07.019. [44].Gu J, Guo P, Huang G H, (2016). Achieving the objective of ecological planning for arid inland river basin under uncertainty based on ecological risk assessment. Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment, 30 (5):1485-1501. [45].Ren C, Guo P, Yang G, et al., (2016). Spatial and temporal analyses of water resources use efficiency based on data envelope analysis and Malmquist index: case study in Gansu Province, China. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 04016066 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000719 [46].Gui Z, Li M, Guo P, (2016). A simulation-based inexact fuzzy semi-infinite programming method for agricultural cultivated area planning in the Shiyang River basin. Journal of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/ (ASCE) IR.1943-4774.0001118. [47].Ren C, Li R, Guo P, (2016). Two-stage DEA analysis of water resource use efficiency. Sustainability, 9(1):52. [48].Zhang C, Guo P, (2017). An inexact CVaR two-stage mixed-integer linear programming approach for agricultural water management under uncertainty considering ecological water requirement. Ecological Indicators. [49].Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H. and Guo, P.et al., (2009). A dual-interval vertex analysis method and its application to environmental decision making under uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 200(2): 536-550. [50].Zhu, H., Huang, G. H., Guo, P.et al., (2009). A fuzzy robust nonlinear programming model for stream water quality management. Water Resources Management, 23:2913–2940. [51].Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H. and Guo, P., et al., (2010). Interval-fuzzy possibilistic mixed integer linear programming for environmental management under uncertainty. The International Journal of Environment and Pollution 42(1):107-124. [52].Zeng, X, Kang, S, Li, F, Zhang, L and Guo, P., (2011). Fuzzy multi-objective linear programming applying to crop area planning. Agricultural Water Management, 98(1):134-142 [53].Zhu, H., Huang, G. H. and Guo, P., (2012). SIFNP: Simulation-based interval-fuzzy nonlinear programming for seasonal planning of stream water quality management, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 223(5): 2051-2072 [54].Fan, Y., Huang, G.H. Guo, P., et al., (2012) Inexact two-stage stochastic partial programming: application to water resources management under uncertainty. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 26:281–293 [55].Huo, Z, Feng, S, and Guo, P, (2011). Integrated neural networks to estimate the monthly river flow of an arid inland basin in Northwest China. Hydrological Science Journal, 159:420-421 [56].Chen J, Kang S, Du T, et al., (2013). Quantitative response of greenhouse tomato yield and quality to water deficit at different growth stages. Agricultural Water Management, 129 (11): 152–162. [57].Zhang D, Guo P, Liu X, et al., (2013). Greenhouse Irrigation Optimization Decision Support System. Ifip Advances in Information & Communication Technology, 420: 10-23. (EI收录) [58].Zhang L, Guo P, Li M, et al., (2014). Deficit irrigation optimization model for crop area allocation under uncertainties in Shiyang River Basin, China. Sensor Letters, volume 12: 867-875 (9). [59].Yang X, Guo P, Li M. Fraction-Programming-Based Crop Area Planning under Engineering Water-saving. 2014 International Conference on Management and Engineering. (EI收录) [60].Gui Z, Zhang C, Li M, Guo P, (2015). Risk analysis methods of the water resources system under uncertainty. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 2 (3): 205–215. [61].Li M, Guo P, Zhang L, et al., (2016). Uncertain and multi-objective programming models for crop planting structure optimization. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 3 (1): 34:45. [62].Zhang C, Li M, Guo P, (2016). Trend detection and stochastic simulation prediction of streamflow at Yingluoxia hydrological station, Heihe River Basin, China. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering. [63].童芳芳,郭萍, (2013).考虑径流来水不确定性的灌溉用水量预测. 农业工程学报,29 (7):66-76. [64].付银环,郭 萍,方世奇,李 茉. 基于两阶段随机规划方法的灌区水资源优化配置.农业工程学报, 2014, 30 (5): 73-81. [65].李茉,郭萍. 基于双层分式规划的种植结构多目标模型研究. 农业机械学报, 2014, 45 (9): 168~174. [66].李茉,姜瑶,郭萍,等. 考虑不同层次利益主体的灌溉水资源优化配置. 农业机械学报 [67].杨改强, 郭萍, 李睿环,等. 基于排队理论的灌区渠系地表水及地下水优化配置模型. 农业工程学报, 2016, 32(6):115-120. [68].李茉,郭萍,杨献献, (2013). 基于分式规划的种植结构多目标不确定性模型研究. 节水灌溉,09:79-81, 89. [69].李茉, 郭萍, 付银环. 民勤县主要作物优化灌溉制度制定及风险分析. 灌溉排水学报, 2013 (1): 91-95. [70].刘潇, 郭萍. 基于不确定性的旱作物种植结构优化. 干旱地区农业研究, 2013, 31 (6): 208-213. [71].周娅, 郭萍, 古今今. 基于BP神经网络的概率径流预测模型. 水利发电学报, 2014, 33 (2): 31-38. [72].程居富, 郭萍, 李茉. 双区间规划在单一作物水资源优化配置中的应用. 节水灌溉, 2014, 第12期: 48-53. [73].赵建明, 郭萍, 刘勇云. 灌溉渠系配水及优化编组模型研究. 灌溉排水学报, 2014. [74].桂泽瑛, 郭萍. 石羊河流域变化环境下的水库调度决策研究——以红崖山水库为例. 节水灌溉, 2015, 第5期: 42-45. [75].李睿环, 郭萍, 张冬梅. 基于不确定性的渠系水资源优化配置. 人民黄河, 2015 Vol. 37 (11): 139-141. [76].杨献献, 郭萍., 李茉. 面向生态的黑河中游模糊多目标水资源优化配置模型. 节水灌溉, 2016, (5): 65-70. [77].张帆, 郭萍, 任冲锋. 分式两阶段随机优化模型在作物种植结构优化中的应用. 中国农村水利水电, 2016, 第9期: 111-114 [78].张帆, 郭萍, 李茉. 基于双区间两阶段随机规划的黑河中游主要农作物种植结构优化. 中国农业大学学报 2016,11:109-116. [79].李茉,郭萍,郭珊珊. 灌溉水资源安全阈值确定与高效配置. 中国农村水利水电,2016, 08: 83-87+92. [80].张成龙,郭萍,赵建明. 不确定条件下的区间两阶段模糊可信性约束规划配水模型研究. 中国农村水利水电, 2016, 08:97-101. [81].郭珊珊,郭萍,李茉. 基于多目标遗传算法的渠系配水优化模型研究. 中国农业大学学报 ◆人才培养 培养博士生2人,在读博士7人;培养硕士生10人,在读硕士生4人。指导本科生毕设及URP项目,获得中国农业大学2012届、2014届本科生“百篇优秀毕业论文(设计)”优秀指导教师奖。先后为本科生主讲 《Environmental Science》、《The Sustainable Water Resources Exploitation in China》英文课程,为硕士生和博士生主讲《水资源和环境模型与优化》,合作讲《现代水文水资源学》、《博士生农业水土工程专论》、《水资源与水利水电工程研究专题》等课程。 ◆联系方式 地址:北京市海淀区清华东路17号 邮编:100083 电话:010-62738496 Email:guop@cau.edu.cn ◆备注 本材料统计日期为2017年5月 |